Virtual Onboarding Events

Let the onboarding begin!

Please find below your pre-arrival onboarding events for families joining us in August 2024. These are a great way to get some helpful information, ask questions, meet other new families and get to know some more people in the Green School Bali team. 

We have virtual onboarding events planned for you. Check the dates and time options below and grab the zoom links for the session of your choice. We offer two time slots for each event, so we repeat the session each time to cater for the various timezones our families are joining us from.

Green School Extras

(Round two onboarding conversations where we can go deeper and explore further) 

22 May 2024

Morning Session - 9.30 am Bali time

Afternoon Session - 3 pm Bali time


These session will be interactive and we will have people on the call who can help with most questions new families tend to have. We can recap what to expect in the first few weeks of school, how to connect to other families, our top tips on a smooth start, and be some friendly faces who you will recognise when you arrive for Orientation Day and the first day of school. We encourage all new families to join the virtual session at a time that suits you best. Children/young people can also join the call if they wish. It can be nice to meet other new children, albeit virtually, ahead of seeing each other in person. 

From practical advice to just good vibes, this session is for you!

Use the handy Google Calendar to see upcoming Zoom and Google Meet sessions.  All links and passwords are included.

Key dates & events to help support your journey to Green School Bali

Access the recordings 

Timings don't work for your time zone or schedule? No problem, we will post a recording of each event here on the site so you can review it when you can.

Please see below some recordings from previous virtual onboarding events. 

Previous Living in Bali Sessions

May 2023

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Green School Essentials

(First round of onboarding information, tips, expectations, a warm welcome and Q&A)

May 2024

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Previous Visa & Information Sessions

Welcome Session and Q&A for January 2024 Families 

- 25 October 2023

Afternoon Session

Virtual Q&A for August 2023 Families - 27 June 2023

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Other Events to Help you on your journey